To achieve optimal health and wellness we all need to take pro-active steps on daily basis to attain better physical and mental health, so that instead of just surviving, we're thriving. Whether that’s more energy, enhanced sleep, relaxation, better mood, reduced inflammation, increased circulation, or strengthened immune system, we believe that prioritising your health is crucial for improving the quality of your life, so you can truly be the best version of yourself.
We offer a number of innovative, cutting-edge wellness technologies and hands-on therapies which can promote longevity and compliment a wellness-led lifestyle.
Whole Body Cryotherapy stimulates the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines (signalling proteins that help control inflammation in your body) and ‘happy hormones’ such as endorphins, serotonin dopamine and norepinephrine to boost energy & mood and increases white blood cells to strengthen the immune system. Blood circulation is boosted to strengthen the cardiovascular system & promote more efficient organ function & cell growth
Relaxation massages can reduce stress and tension, improve circulation, ease muscles, improve sleep and strengthen your immune system.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a gentle technique which encourages the drainage of lymph nodes and movement of lymph fluids around the body. This helps to remove waste and toxins and reduce swelling.
Compression therapy helps increase blood circulation in the legs, ankles and feet. It is an effective treatment for pain and swelling caused by conditions associated with poor circulation, such as chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. A session will leave your legs feeling lighter and relaxed.
The Styku 3D body scanner accurately recreates your body in 3D, revealing detailed and precise information including body circumference measurements, weight, body composition (overall body fat percentage and muscle to fat ratios), posture analytics and more.
Each scan provides valuable data enabling you to better understand your body, monitor progress and visualise change effectively over time, helping you to stay motivated to achieve your personal health, wellness and body shape goals.